Tuesday, June 8, 2010

#8 Grandma Chic

Thank you for being a friend...

I would like to give a warm, heart felt shout out to the Golden Girls; Susan Harris, Bea Arthur, Betty White and Rue McClanahan. Thank you for giving us years of inspiration that has set forth an ongoing trend of fashionable grandma chic...you are my heroes. Hollywood is swarming with young starlets, and nobodies alike who have taken this form of dressing down in age to up their style.

Take this girl for example...

1. Over sized unnecessary plastic bifocal lenses
2. Ruffly pepto bismal pink dress, right off the salvation army rack (or perhaps Marc Jacobs)
3. Quilted bag that looks like the material was stolen from my German Grandmas fancy couch...which she strategically covers with a Rainbow Brite Duvet circa 1983 to keep it so fresh and so clean, clean, clean
4. Cropped faux-fur jacket, Grandma chic is animal friendly
5. Black opaque tights
6. Converse high-tops...so as to give off the, "I didn't even try to pull this look of, I'm so hipster it just sorta happened" vibe

Grandma chic is adorable. I will give you that, but what do you get when you add:

1 Part Grandma Chic + 1 Part Korean Teen = Pretty Dang Cute

Most girls walk around here in one respect or another, looking in some part like a Grandma. I think it is the over sized cable knit cardigans or the shirt collars that go up to the ears...Korea may rock the booty shorts but it is not known for it's cleavage. Yes, for the most part Grandma chic is sprung all around this lovely country...

And then...this girl happened.

When I say, you had to be there...really, you had to be there. Aside from her outfit, this woman is clinically insane. She sauntered over to our table at our local Soju Hof and did not stop harassing us the entire night. In all due respect we were trying to steal her male friends shirt, what ensued made for some everlasting memories; jumping on the tables, threats of physical assault, a choreographed dance from the hit K-Pop group 2NE1. Let's take a quick moment to talk about the outfit. She actually has Grandma chic down to an art...

1. Silky Floridian neck scarf popular with Grannies the world over
2. Pink...lots of pink, pink everywhere...probably was some of the semi-inspiration for the popular Aerosmith song "Pink"
3. Pearl earrings
4. White opaque tights
5. A baby pink (duh) scalloped skirt
I guess when it comes down to Grandma Chic, it is more of a state of mind then an actual outfit. If you're rockin your cute little Bubby outfit, and then act like Christian Bale out of a scene of American Physco, maybe the look just isn't for you.